Getting Involved


The Gaffer's Guild has a long tradition of sharing our craft through demonstrations for the public, especially for school field trips and other groups.

Demos typically last for approximately 50 minutes and consist of a brief tour of the studio, a brief discussion of the history of glassblowing and the history of our glassblowing studio, and the making/glassblowing of a number of glass pieces. The studio can seat approximately 30 people. If you are interested in scheduling a demonstrations or have other questions about them, please contact us at .

Joining the Guild

We are taking on new members, and are especially working to rebuild our student membership since our years without a studio. We especially encourage freshmen and sophomores to join. Today's beginners have a great opportunity to be the leaders of the club!

If you would like to join the beginner's class (required to join the Guild), please sign up on the prospective member list.

To request more information about joining the Gaffer's Guild, email our club executive officers at .